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Securely erase contents of hard drives and solid state drives.
This service takes time as securely erasing drives involves many writes/rewrites. Please be patient when ordering this service. If you would like a faster wipe, let us know and we can do faster types of wipes. Faster wipes may not fully erase your data however.
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XBit |
Unlimited Tech Support for 1 YearGet unlimited technical service for 1 year on any Windows computer.Free diagnostics.Unlimited virus removals.Unlimited tune-ups.Unlimited software installs/updates.Unlimited operating system installations.Unlimited data backups. Just provide the backup drive.Hardware repairs, upgrades, and installations not included and will be billed separately..
Get an Operating System Installed to Get GoingServices Performed with Operating System Installation:OS installationUp to 3 programs installedWindows updates ran, drivers installed/updatedUp to 3 pieces of hardware installed (excluding network printers)..
Keep Your Data Safe, or Put it on a New ComputerTransfer your data to a new computer or create a backup of your current computer.Customer is responsible for providing computer/media to transfer/back up the data to...
Remove Junk and Declutter Your PC for Better PerformanceServices Covered with Virus Removal:Disk defragmentationCheck disk for errorsUninstall unused or unneeded programsMemory optimizationDisable Programs at startup that could be slowing down your PCAnd much more!..
Have an issue with your PC and don't know what needs to be done?Our diagnostic service aims to tell you what is wrong with your PC so that you receive the correct and necessary services.This fee will be waived if you decide to get your computer fixed with XBit. If you decide to take your PC elsewhere for a 2nd opinion, this fee will not be waived and should be considered non-refundable...
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