
About Us

    About XBit LLC      

Humble Beginnings

XBit LLC started as RAY Products in February of 2016. RAY Products was the unofficial business name of our original online Amazon store. The online store had a large variety of products that we sold on behalf of other people; we simply took a cut of the net sales. After only a few months of sales, we cut ties with the people he was selling for and decided to sell products on his own. XBit LLC was officially organized in October of 2016.


XBit started out selling on eBay and Amazon, but eventually cut ties with Amazon due to restrictions Amazon places on its sellers. We also created a few Google Chrome apps and sold them under the XBit name on the Google Chrome Webstore. Revenue was mainly from eBay. In the spring and summer of 2018, XBit also had a stand at the historical Zerns Farmers Market in Gilbertsville, PA, and the company began selling things on Facebook Marketplace and Craigslist.


In 2019, XBit started to sell mainly on Facebook, Craiglist. The 2020 COVID-19 pandemic saw a spike in revenue with an increased demand in computers, namely laptops. Today, XBit serves hundreds of people worldwide.

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